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Prof. Owen M. Lynch

Be Educated Projects are exceptionally well thought out . I am proud to assist in a small way for the “Be Educated Movement”
that provides libraries for disadvantaged children in villages and slum areas. I know this great movement for education of the poor will become a worldwide effort in the future. Education is one of the best ways to fight poverty, illness due to the lack of understanding, and many other social grievances that plague poor societies. I am very grateful that I can contribute and I hope many more will find it in their hearts to do the same.`
It is not about the money because I can only give ten dollars a month, it’s about changing the world, making it a better place for our children. There are many levels of sponsorship to fit into everyone’s financial budgets. Margret Meade was a great anthropologist who studied human beings from the beginning of civilization. After years of study, she concluded that all great changes in society come from the small groups of people dedicated to changing society for the better. I believe she is right. The “Be Educated Movement”, started by a small group of dedicated people, will make a huge impact on our society and I am very grateful for the honor to help it out in any way.