Intellectual Talent Search

To create a competitive environment among children, Be Educated initiated the Intellectual Talent Search competition for middle and high school children.  The competitions were held at Be Educated libraries in India, Nepal and Pakistan in 2009, 2011 and 2017.

Goals and Objectives

  • Create a healthy competitive environment among the children.
  • Encourage the students to excel.
  • Evaluate the Be Educated library’s performance.
  • Motivate children towards career-oriented competitive examinations.
  • Encourage them to perform better in their school/college examinations.
  • Make winning students role models for the rest of the children.
  • Let the children evaluate their performance with those from other libraries, states and countries.
  • Financial help to the winners.

Intellectual Talent Search 2011

Estimated Project Cost: $5000

Sponsored By:

Sanjay Kumar, and is dedicated to the memory of his late beloved mother Late Smt. Sandhya Rani.


Over Rs. 82,000 in Local Currency ($1500) in Cash

Group A:

First Prize (1) –  5,000 in local currency, certificate and medal.

Second Prize (1) – 4,000 in local currency, certificate and medals.

Third Prize (4) – 3,000 in local currency, certificate and medal. Consolation Prizes (20) – 1,000 in local currency and certificates.

Group B:

First Prize (1) –  5,000 in local currency, certificate and medal.

Second Prize (1) – 4,000 in local currency, certificates and medals.

Third Prize (4) – 3.000 in local currency, certificates and medals.

Consolation Prizes (20) – 1,000 in local currency and certificates.

Cash awards sent directly to the winners.


Be Educated library members of 9th and 10th grades (Group A) and 11th and 12th grades (Group B)

Country Coordinator:
– Ved Prakash Azad – 91 9415544588 (India)
– Ashish Shrestha – 977 9841692901 (Nepal)
– Ramesh Lohana – 92 3332712501 (Pakistan)


Software Computed

Score Compiler:

Peri Sitaram   – 91 9949353022

Testing Format:

50 objective questions were asked related to General Knowledge, Math, Science, Comprehensive, English and Reasoning.


Be Educated announced the result of the 2011 Intellectual Talent Search competition held at 74 Be Educated libraries in India, Nepal  and Pakistan. The examination was conducted for two groups, Group A (grades 7 and 8) and Group B (grades 9 and 10), and a total of 3,329 children participated. Fifty objective questions were asked related to General Knowledge, Math, Science, Comprehensive, English and Reasoning. One point was awarded for each right answer. In each group, the first place winner received Rs 5,000, second place Rs 4000, and third place Rs 3,000. In addition, there were 40 consolation prizes of Rs 1,000 each.

Muskan from Pakistan PK001 from Group A and Gohel Vikas G from Gujarat, India (GJ001) from Group B received the first place prizes. Kumari Krishna Sahu from Orissa, India (OR003) from Group A and Sushil Kumar Choudhari from Nepal (NP008) of Group B won the second place prizes.


Intellectual Talent Search 2009

Sponsored By:

Funds raised from second Power of One Event, Dover, Delaware USA

Estimated Project Cost: $4,000

Over Rs. 70,000 in local currency ($1,700) in cash.

First Prize (1) –  5,000 in local currency ($115), certificate and medal.

Second Prize (2)– 4,000 in local currency ($90), certificates and medals.

Third Prize (5) – 3,000 in local currency ($70), certificates and medals.

Reserved one for Nepal and one for Pakistan.

Consolation Prizes (25) – 1,000 in local currency ($25) and certificates, Reserved two for Nepal, and three for Pakistan.


Be Educated library members of 9th and 10th grades (Group 2).

Country Coordinator:

Ved Prakash Azad – 91 9415544588 (India)

Ashish Shrestha – 97 79841692901 (Nepal)

Ramesh Lohana – 92 3332712501 (Pakistan)


Dr. Mote 91 9451381331

Score Compiler:

Peri Sitaram   – 91 9949353022

Testing Format:

20 Questions from Math, English, General Knowledge and One Short Essay (in English only). The short essay should be a maximum of 200 words and evaluation will be based on the participant’s original thoughts.


Total Libraries Participated in Competition: 57

Total Participants: 1,120 (from grades 9 and 10)

Ratio of Boy and Girl Participants: 56% boys, 44% girls

Test Coordinators: Narendra, Dinesh, and Deep

Evaluator: Dr. Mote


Total Libraries Participated in Competition: 6

Total Participants: 276 (from grades 9 and 10)

Ratio of Boy and Girl Participants: 77% boys, 33% girls

Test Coordinators: Mod. Asif, Ramesh Lohana

Evaluator: Dr. Mote


Total Libraries Participated in Competition: 4

Total Participants: 187 (from grades 9 and 10)

Ratio of Boy and Girl Participants: 60% boys, 40% girls

Test Coordinators: Dinesh, Ashish

Evaluator: Dr. Mote


First Place: Jyotsana Chandra d/o Mr. Ram Chandra from UP002. Marks received:  82/100

Prerana d/o Mr. Yuvraj from MH003. Marks received: 82/100

Ist Position:
Jyotsana Chandra d/o Mr. Ram Chandra from UP002. Marks receives 82/100
Prerana d/o Mr. Yuvraj from MH003. Marks receives 82/100

Complete list of winners

The outcome of the program :

This created an educational environment in a true sense. Children are preparing and looking forward to the future competitions The results showed that the girls performed better overall than the boys