Helping Flood Victims of Chennai Slum

December 2015: While it continues to rain on and off and the conditions for many in low-lying areas of the city remain severe.The City of Chennai is slowly getting back onto its feet. We are very deeply touched by devastating floods and damages it caused to everyone, particularly poor people living in the most vulnerable areas.

We picked a slum area of VOC Nagar, Chennai, a community of more than 5,000 households, and talked to our librarian, residents and social workers, and assessed that people were in dire need of assistance. All their belongings had been submerged in the water.

Many organizations have taken up the task of supplying food and water. However, the people from the area asked for blankets and bedsheets, which were needed immediately and for the upcoming winter. Be Educated, along with the Indian Community, pledged to supply 3,000 blankets in this area. This small gift (one blanket) helped save a child from wet and chilly nights.


Be Educated Library
VOC Nagar, Chennai-12 India
Contact: Mutthu – 011-91-9444281776,  Albangan –  011-91-9444162167

Campaign and Distribution

Dec. 7, 2015 – Campaign initiated

Dec. 16, 2015 – Campaign closed. Total collected—$8,622 in USA and India

Dec. 21, 2015 – 2,350 Blankets shipped from

Dec. 25, 2015 – Consignment arrived at VOC Nagar

Dec. 28, 2015 – 2,350 tokens distributed to households (one token = one blanket)

Jan. 2, 2016 – Blankets distributed

The campaign to provide blankets for flood victims of the Chennai slum area was successfully completed on Jan. 2, 2016. Colorful, warm and cozy blankets cheered up recipients who expressed huge appreciation.

The consignment arrived as planned at the VOC Nagar area, Chennai, on Dec. 25 from Haryana and stored in a local school. Mr. Mutthu, Balagan, Paul (Be Educated coordinator from AP) and Mr. Ratnam played a major role in the planning and execution of the massive task of distribution and making sure each victim’s household received at least one blanket. To avoid chaos, the team distributed one token to each family member two days prior to the date and time they were scheduled to show up. Other thanks are due to the local police who helped in this process as well. The functions started early in the morning and went until late afternoon. All 2,350 blankets were delivered.

Many thanks to all who helped.