Art Competition In 2012, Be Educated Movement Inc. organized a drawing competition in India, Nepal and Pakistan for children of grades 5 and 6 from the Be Educated libraries.
Be Well Health Camp In cities, people have more medical resources and fundamental health information. In remote villages of underdeveloped and developing nations.
Clean Water for Children It came to our attention that many people, especially children, are dying and becoming ill due to a dramatic increase in the spread of waterborne diseases.
Help for Schools Damaged in Nepal Earthquakes In the spring of 2015, two massive consecutive earthquakes in Nepal caused the loss of thousands of lives and huge structural damages.
Helping Flood Victims of Chennai Slum December 2015: While it continues to rain on and off and the conditions for many in low-lying areas of the city remain severe.
Intellectual Talent Search To create a competitive environment among children, Be Educated initiated the Intellectual Talent Search competition for middle and high school children.
Library Project Our library program started in 2005 with a mission to provide expensive guide books to needy children in remote villages and slum areas.
Save Kunal’s Life In September 2016, we learned that one of our library members was struggling for his life and needed immediate help. Fifteen-year-old Kunal belongs to library in UP.