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Mamta Diwakar needs your help for her children

About the family:
Mamta Diwakar in 2021 has unfortunately faced the devastating demise of her husband due to COVID-19. Her family consists of her, her mother-in-law and her two children. Her two children are Shivam and Gunjan, aged 17 and 13. They both are studying online through the Red Rose education centre and are in the 10th and 8th grades. The family as of now has no fixed income and is being supported by extended family.
Counselling by: Sara
Counselling Notes: After the passing of her husband, Mamta has struggled to pay the fees for her children and for their new academic year.
Support requested for:-
- Fees:-1500 per month
- Books and uniform :-2000
- After successful Academic completion : 5000
Annual Funding Request: Rs 8500
Funded by Beeducated.