1.0 Program Name: “Education Through Library”


2.0 Project/Program Description

The mission of the Be Educated Movement Inc (“Movement”) is to build a well-educated society and to provide education and equal opportunity to masses to help them attain and sustain development, and become responsible citizens. To achieve these goals, we need to work at the grass-root level and work for poor students who are not able to sustain the progress in education simply because they lack the resources, such as the essential books and study materials. Because of the scarcity of resources, many such underprivileged students loose momentum, and inspiration for the basic and necessary education.

We well know, that in remote villages or slum areas, the people have very low income and most of them are illiterate or less educated, hence they lack the tradition of Education. They do not understand the importance of good education; therefore cannot provide proper guidance and resources to their kids to make them successful citizens. We can’t change the economic status of the people but at least we can try to change it through good education by providing the study materials and encouragement to the kids to keep their morale up for a better life.

Considering these factors, Movement is working on launching several Library Projects in these areas. The library will have enough copies of expensive model papers, textbooks & competition guides, literature and other rare available materials to facilitate at least 100 kids in one area at a time. Kids will be able to get two books for two to three weeks at a time and can re-issue it again if they need further.

Our goal is to keep the project cost as low as possible so that just one person can sponsor the entire project without much financial burden. It will also help us to find more sponsors to open many projects at different locations. Our purpose is to spread education. The library will have only drop off and issuing facility (right now, no plan as such to provide a place for study). To avoid the infrastructure cost we request and encourage local people to designate a space in their houses for bookshelves, tables, and few chairs. Besides that we ask the volunteer to devote two hours of his/her time three days a week as a librarian, without affecting their regular routine much. We have provisions for an honorarium for their services.

We are looking forward to sponsors willing to fund the entire project cost for one library, Movement will also sponsor many libraries from time to time using its own resources and funds. The library shall be dedicated to one of the sponsor’s beloved one. We will dedicate the first page of all the books to sponsor, mentioning the name and address along with the name of the person it is dedicated to.

Be Educated Movement, Inc. is committed to promoting the awareness of Education worldwide, especially in developing countries. Presently we are in the process of assessing the locations and resources in INDIA to accomplish this project. As we grow we will expand this program in other countries.

3.0 Name of the Library: “BE EDUCATED LIBRARY”

4.0 Goals and Objectives

  1. To open and operate multiple libraries at various locations, maintaining high standards at low cost.
  2. To make the study materials available free of cost to the needy students.
  3. To encourage the kids to improve their reading and writing skills, and overall personality development.
  4. To motivate and orient them towards career development
  5. To encourage them to perform better in their school/college examinations.
  6. To inculcate the tradition and importance of education in the younger generation.
  7. To make them responsible for civic duties and social values.

5.0 Beneficiaries

The students of grade 8 to12 in the remote villages and slum areas.

6.0 Anticipated Phases and Milestones

6.0.01. Finding Location: Any individual may suggest the project location. Our Country coordinator (Country Coordinator is the head of the Country office, appointed by Executive Committee/Board) will study and seek information about qualifying criteria as per the Movement’s guidelines. Then Country coordinator will call the recommendation committee meeting and the recommendation committee will review all the factors and may reject or approve for consideration. Upon approval, the assigned project coordinator must visit the location to verify the facts.

6.0.02. Location Visit: The assigned project coordinator visits the location with the help of the initiator. The project coordinator needs to fill the “Project Location Survey Form”. After doing a feasibility study of the project, he/she shall interview all volunteers willing to provide the space and service for the library facility. He/she shall visit all possible physical locations, before forwarding the selection to the Executive Committee/Board. He will also interview several students in that area.
The Location Survey Form shall be the basis for approval of the location and will be submitted to the Executive Committee/Board for final approval. It is important for the coordinator while choosing a Librarian that they must have good behavior and reputation in the local area, and also the place of library should be comfortable for the kids of all the classes (especially very poor kids) so that they can get access of the library facility without any hesitation of fear.

6.0.03. Funding: The Executive Committee/Board or the authorized committee may approve or reject the project, based upon the information and the feasibility. All approved project proceed for the funding at this stage. The Movement may have enough funds to start the project of its own or it shall look for the sponsors. After managing funds, The Executive Committee/Board assigns one of its active members as a project manager for that project and hands over all the documents and funds allocated for that project. From here of, Project manager will manage the Project. Project manager will coordinate with assigned project coordinator, sponsor and various committees and will send reports to the Executive Committee/Board on regular basis. From this point onwards, the project takes approximately one month to execute.

6.0.04. Opening date: Project Manager and the assigned Project Coordinator decide the opening date.

6.0.05. Study Material & supplies: After receiving the fund, Project Coordinator proceeds to purchase the all the books and all other material needed to set up the library, recommended by “Book Recommendation Committee”. Same time Coordinator makes the arrangement for advertisement, flyer, bookshelf, signboard, membership card etc.

6.0.06. Advertisement: At least 7-10 days before the opening date, flyer must be distributed in the nearby schools, colleges and villages.

6.0.07. Training: It is mandatory to provide 4 hours training & tutorial before the opening date to the librarian about “How to operate Library”. It is the project coordinator’s responsibility to make sure appointed librarians have full knowledge of operating the library successfully.

6.0.08. Inauguration: There will be formal opening of the library. It will be librarian’s responsibility to invite the local citizens and students of that area. It is up to the project coordinator and librarian whom they elect the chief guest. Project Coordinator shall introduce the Librarian in opening ceremony and also the objectives of the Movement and the Project. A separate fund shall be allocated for the Inauguration.

6.0.09. Inspection and Survey: Assigned Project Coordinator will do the inspection at least once in a year or as required. The Movement shall provide “Inspection Survey Form” with the instructions to the coordinator. After the survey coordinator will forward the copy of survey to the “Audit and Review committee” and to the Project Manager. The Project Manager will report it to Executive Committee/Board and the Sponsor. The first inspection will be held three months after opening.

7.0 Funding

Movement: If Movement has enough funds, and it is budgeted, Movement will proceed to sponsor from its own fund. Executive Committee/Board approval is required.

2. Individual: Movement will approach the sponsor and made a request funding complete setup cost for one Library Project. Budget, Project documents and Location Survey Form will be provided to the Sponsor to help him/her making decision.

8.0 Cost analysis

Total Setup cost Aprx. $800

Text Guide Books & Model Papers $176
Entrance Examination Guide  $70
Personality Development Books $59
Storybooks & Misc $70
Literature $59
Binding Cost $83
Book Rack $83
2 chair and one table & Signboard $35
Office supplies & accessories $35
Flyer & Poster $12
Coordinator Visit Expenses (3 Visits) $70
Inaugural Cost $24
Transportation Cost $24
Total Setup cost Aprx. $800

8.0.02 Operating Cost (Annual):

Rental 12 months – INR $110
Inspection – $25
Maintenance and Insurance – $15
Total Operating Cost – Aprx. $150 USD

9.0 Templates to be used

Project Initiation form
Life Cycle Diagram
Location Survey form
Flyer & Poster
Dedicated Page
Inspection Survey form
Daily Log Book
Book Token
Tracking Page
Member’s Directory
Seal Sample
Check List
Book Guidelines
Book Drive Guidelines
Book Drive Survey

10.0 Evaluation Processes

Random Visit & Survey: Once in a year, Project Manager asks one of the project coordinator to do inspection of the library. There will be predefined instructions and procedures for inspection. The coordinator will do an inspection based on the inspection survey document and will submit it back to the “Audit and Review Committee” and will mail a copy to the Project manager. Finally, the Project manager will share his/her report with the Executive Committee/Board and Sponsor.

11.0 Management Entity & Responsibilities:

11.0.01 Project Manager: Project Manager is the Active member of the Movement defined in the bylaws in membership section. Executive Committee/Board will give the responsibility to manage the specific project. Project Manager will have the following responsibilities.

  • Approving the Project Location (If project manager is appointed before the location approval process).
  • To approve the budget and keeping track of all the expenses.
  • To update sponsor with the progress of the project
  • To provide the inspection survey and the expenses report to the sponsor and Executive Committee/Board.
  • To submit the progress report to the Executive Committee/Board.
  • To send a request to treasurer for issue the check against the expenses of project.

11.0.02 Project Coordinator: Project coordinator is the nominated volunteer of the Movement and will be appointed by the Country Coordinator. Project Coordinator must be located in the country/state where the project is located. The project coordinator will have the following responsibilities.

  • Project location study for the approval.
  • Selection of the volunteer for duty of Librarian.
  • Responsible for setting up the library, purchasing required books, binding of books, providing resources and supplies.
  • All approved financial transactions.
  • Proper advertisement of the Movement.
  • Coordination with the Project Managers.
  • Follow the instructions of the Country coordinator.
  • Providing training to the librarian.
  • Inspection Visit
  • To form “Regulatory Committee” for the library in the project location.

11.0.03 Book recommendation Committee: This committee shall be formed to suggest the study materials. This committee consists of at least three members. Country Coordinator shall be the secretary of the committee and will be responsible for making the report. Based on the regional and local needs, committee will recommend the books, number of copies of each book and all other required supplies. Committee will also approve the rate of required books and supplies. From time to time committee may recommend introducing new books as may be needed in all the libraries, if they find it purposeful. The Executive Committee/Board will nominate the members of the committee and all members must be residents of the country where the project is located.

11.0.04 Project location approval committee: This committee constitute of at least three members and will recommend the project location. Country Coordinator shall be secretary of the committee. Committee report of any recommended Location shall be sent to the Executive Committee/Board of the Movement for the review. The Executive Committee/Board will nominate the members of the committee and all members must be residents of the country where the project is located.

11.0.05 Audit & Review Committee: Committee will be formed to audit the expenses to keep control on the budget. This committee will be responsible to verify if the project is conforming to the defined standards. This committee will have at least three members. The Executive Committee/Board will nominate the members of the committee and all members must be residents of the country where the project is located. Country Coordinator shall be secretary of the committee.

11.0.06 Sponsor: Sponsor will be one who funds the establishment cost of the project and the operating cost later on. Though it is not mandatory for sponsors to cover the operating cost of the project, the Movement, however will request (and try to convince) the sponsor of the project to bear the expenses of operating (operating cost). If the sponsor is not willing, the Movement will take care of Operating Expenses using its own resources. The movement will send the sponsor a copy of expense, progress, and inspection report twice a year. The sponsor will know how each penny is being spent on the project he is sponsoring for.

11.0.07 Librarian: The project Coordinator sends a recommendation for a selected person, as the librarian and Country Coordinator or Project manager shall officially nominate him. Librarian will have the following responsibilities:

  • Solely responsible for operating & managing the library as defined in the operating section. It must conform to Mission’s guidelines.
  • Volunteers the space for the library.
  • Responsible for the advertisement, like distributing the flyers.
  • Have the authority to admit or cancel the membership at any time. He/She can take disciplinary action against the member, as defined in the operating Section clause.
  • Responsible for issue and recovery of the books.
  • Compensated at the rate of INR 300 per month, for providing space.
  • Work on the instructions from the project coordinator.
  • General maintenance of the library.
  • In case the Volunteer as Librarian is not in a position to fulfill his/her obligation or he/she does not want to continue, must give three months of advance notice.

11.0.08 Regulatory Committee: Committee is formed to ensure proper utilization of the facility and operation. Committee will help recovering the library books from the defaulters if needed. This committee will have at least three members. The Project Coordinator proposes the name of the members of the committee and Country Coordinator or Project manager will officially nominate them. All members must be located nearby the project location.

12.0 Operation:

Library Hours:
Every Tuesday: 4 PM to 6 PM
Every Thursday: 4 PM to 6 PM
Every Sunday: 9 AM to 12 PM.

  • Each member will receive two “Book Tokens” on membership approval.
  • Each member has to provide his/her complete mailing address. Address will be maintained in the membership directory.
  • Each member will be able to keep two books at a time for two weeks.
  • “Book Token” will be in the custody of Librarian till the book is returned back. Librarians must return the “Book Token” after receiving the book.
  • Librarian will make an entry of due date in the sheet (Track Page) attached with each book. He will also ensure the entry in the Daily Log Book.
  • In the event of stolen or damaged book, member will be responsible for the cost of a new book and also INR 25 for binding costs.
  • All books will be issued on first come first serve basis. A reservation could be made in advance.
  • All books must be returned on or before the Due Date. There will be INR 1.00 as a penalty for each day for being late in returning the book after the due date. Money collected from the penalty shall be used to maintain the library.
  • Membership shall remain suspended if member returns the book after the due date and doesn’t pay the penalty amount.
  • Three weeks after the due date, the librarian will personally proceed to recover the book. Membership will be automatically terminated if librarian attempts to recover the book in two separate incidents.
  • Any marks of pen/pencil/highlighter or any torn page/s of the book shall be considered a damaged book and member shall be responsible for the penalty defined above.
  • Librarian has to make sure that the book is returned in good condition as was issued.
  • Movement shall provide all the office supplies for the library through the project coordinator.
  • In the case of un-traceable member or found no intention of returning book, Movement may take legal action against the member.

13.0 Risks to be managed

Operating Cost: Once the project is started, to carry it forward, Operating cost is critical. To assure the smooth operating movement must arrange and allocate the against the operating expenses at least for two years.

In the event of a fire, flood, Natural disaster or calamities or ventilation: Movement is in process of exploring the possibility to get insurance for its libraries at the lowest possible cost.

In case the Volunteer as Librarian is not anymore interested: The librarian will be required to give at least three months prior notice. During this period Project coordinator must find another volunteer for the work.

Preventive Maintenance: To keep the library up-to-date, The Movement will carry out a rehabilitation program for each library as an when required or as recommended by the “Book Recommendation Committee”.

Library not much beneficial: In case of a negative “Inspection Survey Report” Such as the library is not being used properly by its member or is not being able to fulfill its objective, The Movement will take action to relocate to a different place of need.

Book Recovery: We have four steps recovery process, First step is INR 1 penalty for each day for any late return. Second Step Librarian will attempt by vesting the members’ place to recover. In the third step regulatory committee (Committee of local Senior Persons) will peruse to recover book, and finally Movement may take legal action against the member.

15.0 Account Audit and review process:

  1. Finance head will make sure to collect the receipt for any expenses; none of expenses shall be honored without the valid receipt.
  2. None of the expense/s will be honored if it goes beyond the budget limit, otherwise authorized by Executive Committee/Board.
  3. “Audit and Review Committee” shall audit the account and validates the receipts, three times in a year (April, August, and December). Account Report shall be sent to the Treasurer.
  4. A Certified Accountant (Nominated by the Executive Committee/Board) shall audit the entire year account in the end of the year. Account Report shall be sent to the Treasurer along with all the receipts.
  5. Executive Committee/Board will assign a person to physically inspect one or more libraries on random basis. This verification is to verify the assets and study materials of that library.