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Featured Campaigns
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Arts and Education Globally Education is My Right
Art and Education Locally Community Initiatives
Arts and Education Globally Future Girlz
Arts and Education Globally Home For Angels
Raised $11,100.00
Goal $30,000.00
Education is My Right
Mothers who lost their husband and struggling getting children back to school
Raised $0
Goal $4,000.00
Community Initiatives
Scholarships and funds to support arts and education in the local community.
Raised $0
Goal $21,000.00
Future Girlz
Underwriting educational opportunities for girls to provide a path for their goals.
Raised $600.00
Goal $7,000.00
Home For Angels
Education for the abandoned and stigmatized children
Latest Campaigns
Raised $11,100.00
Goal $30,000.00
Education is My Right
Mothers who lost their husband and struggling getting children back to school
Raised $0
Goal $4,000.00
Community Initiatives
Scholarships and funds to support arts and education in the local community.
Raised $0
Goal $21,000.00
Future Girlz
Underwriting educational opportunities for girls to provide a path for their goals.
Raised $600.00
Goal $7,000.00
Home For Angels
Education for the abandoned and stigmatized children