Future Girlz

$0 of $21,000 raised


In general, good scores in high school determine how a career will take shape. Our goal is to provide all the resources to ensure that our female participants all appear in examinations well prepared and ready to excel. While preparing for examinations we also help them discover, enhance their skills and develop their hobbies. We provide a day health camp by a female physician who teaches about female health and hygiene topics and answers health related questions.

This program runs across the academic session from May through February. It may be renewed at the same location based on the academic performance.  In 2019 we expanded this program at following locations: Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh and two in Nepal libraries. All have successfully completed the sessions..


The 2011 census showed the male literacy rate to be 82.14% while for females it lags at 65.46%. The situation in rural areas and with the underprivileged community is much worse. Female children are more likely to continue their primary education, but at the secondary level of education, girls tend to drop out at a higher rate than boys. There are innumerable factors associated with this unfortunate situation. 

In Rajkot city of Gujarat one center hosts around 55 girls from all over Gujarat’s remote villages from the age 8-18 who were deprived of their fundamental rights of education. Also, due to ultra-poverty, their parents could not afford to feed them properly. These selected girls are living in this center without bearing any cost by themselves or from their families. Future Girlz was initiated in 2018 as a pilot project at this center, focusing primarily on advancing female education and to provide a path forward to their careers and goals.

Locations for 2020

  • Two in Nepal
  • One in Gujrat
  • Two in Uttar Pradesh (1 New Location for 2020)
  • Two in Madhya Pradesh (1 New Location for 2020)
  • One in Chhattisgarh
  • One in Andhra Pradesh (New Location for 2020)

Total: 10 locations


Future Girlz focuses on girls who are going into 10th grade. Due to our limited resources, we have enrolled only 15-20 girls in the program at this time.

What We Are Providing

  • 120 hours math prep (90 minutes session twice a week)
  • 120 hours English prep (90 minutes session twice a week)
  • 60 hours science prep (90 minutes session once a week)
  • 60 hours computer theory (90 minutes session once a week)
  • 5 computer books on MS Office to share
  • Guidebooks for math, science and English for each girl
  • 2 hours of dedicated computer practice time per week
  • One-day health camp – Female doctor on visit

Expense Details

  • Workbook and computer books: $200
  • Blackboard and teaching supplies: $100
  • Tuition Fees for teachers: $1,300
  • Summer Art and craft classes and supplies: $100
  • Girls Empowerment day celebration: $150
  • Day Camp: $100
  • Place Rental: $150

Total $2,100 Per location

Total funds needed: $21,000 for 10 locations

Program Coordinator

Toolika Garg – 91-8375065167 or email: futuregirlz@beeducated.org


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In order to make an offline donation please follow these instructions:

  1. Make a check payable to "BeEducated"
  2. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for "BeEducated"
  3. Please mail your check to:

Be Educated Movement
12 Porcher St.
Dover, DE 19901 

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.

Donation Total: $10.00

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