Be Educated Concludes a very Successful Facemask Drive

Be Educated Concludes a very Successful Facemask Drive

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has played havoc around the world, and most sufferers are members of the poorest communities. Their struggles are manifold, most importantly the task of earning money for food to keep themselves alive and healthy. While there are numerous government schemes to benefit the poor, many disadvantaged people are still unable to get aid.
Be Educated has played a proactive role in this knotty time, specially knowing soon schools will open and situation may get worsen. We assessed the situation and gained an understanding that basic hygiene and masks are the minimum necessities that everyone must have to prevent the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, the poor do not have money to spend on masks for themselves and their families. This need inspired us to launch our campaign to supply masks to the poor. So far, we have distributed Total 38,450 (28,450 reusable fabrics multi-layered high quality masks and 10,000 non-reusable masks donated by an anonymous company located in Bangalore India). All our face masks have ‘Be Educated’ printed in various languages to keep children motivated towards their education.
The distribution was done through our organization and volunteers across various part of India and Nepal. There are many other organizations came forward to help distributing masks as well.

  • Nepal  :   3000 (reusable masks)
  • Uttar Pradesh and Bihar border, India : 8700 (reusable masks) and 5400 (non-reusable)
  • Chhattisgarh, India : 2000 (reusable masks) and 500 (non-reusable)
  • Madhya Pradesh, India: 2800 (reusable masks) and 500 (non-reusable)
  • Andhra Pradesh, India:  3500 (reusable masks) and 2000 (non-reusable)
  • Maharashtra, India: 2600 (reusable masks) and 750 (non-reusable)
  • Rajasthan, India: 700 (reusable masks) and 300 (non-reusable)
  • Uttarakhand, India: 300 (reusable masks) and 200 (non-reusable)
  • Gujarat, India: 1000 (reusable masks) and 250 (non-reusable)
  • Orissa, India: 1000 (reusable masks) and 250 (non-reusable)
  • Tamilnadu, India:  1000 (reusable masks) and 250 (non-reusable)
  • Assam, India: 1000 (reusable masks) and 250 (non-reusable)

Though we understand that this is a meager quantity given the size of the country, we have started the momentum and are doing our best to do more. We would like to invite all our well-wishers and readers of this newsletter to contribute wholeheartedly so that more needy lives can be touched.

World of Thanks to all who donated towards this cause. Special thanks to

  • Kaza Medical Group  – Sponsored 12000 masks.
  • Santosh Umapathy and Faizal on behalf of Anonymous company Sponsored  10000 masks.
  • VolleyballAboveAll Plano TX – Sponsored 5000 masks.
  • Ray Prasad Consultancy – Sponsored 5000 masks.